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Friday 22 May 2015

Face Cleansing - Required for Freshening and Healthy Skin

Face Cleansing

After a hard day, you go to bed without cleansing your face. Think so, one night does not matter. You know well that to bed without cleansing your face is a No, No. You know very well the reasons:
  • Makeup residue
  • Sweat
  • Dust and other contaminants in the environment
  • Natural oils secreted by the skin
  • Dead cells
  • Worth the effort: A night without washing your face is not a big risk, but many nights if you are. It's like not brushing your teeth, if you do not you risk losing them.

How many times a day should I clean my face?
Wipe your face once or twice a day is very important. More than twice is not recommended unless your skin is very oily and live in warm climates. If you clean more than two see the day you run the risk of:
1- If you have dry skin, this is even drier with cleaning products,
2- If you have oily skin and stimulate the glands secrete more oil act, i.e. the skin becomes oilier.
The night cleaning is very important, morning cleaning is desirable to remove the natural oils secreted during the night but if your skin is dry or sensitive can use only water.

Cleansing through Cream or Soap?
Many aestheticians do not believe that soap is appropriate for the face. Most soap is alkaline so they tend to irritate the skin dry. It is especially not recommended for delicate, sensitive, mature or dry skin. Some dermatologists recommend the use of special soaps to treat acne. If you going to use a soap only when it contains moisturizers.
If you feel your skin very dry, try to use a gentle cleansing from an expert (Download App Get the expert right at your home). Similarly, if you feel very oily skin that you are not using the most appropriate products for your skin.

Avoid products that contain:
  • Strong fragrances:  Strong fragrances are usually artificial and unnecessary chemicals they added. In the past they were more common. Natural fragrances from plants can also be used, if they are beneficial. They are usually more subtle aromas.
  • Dyes: They are added to cosmetics to make them look more attractive.
  • Alcohol: Dry skin.
  • Mineral oil: Covers the pores, it is widely used in cosmetics because it is an ingredient in low price. Even the most exclusive brands they use.

How can I wipe my face?
1- First make sure you have clean hands. If hands are dirty you could be spreading bacteria on the face.
2- Now you are ready to wipe your face with your favorite cleanser. Some beauticians use special sponges for this function. Others recommend using the fingertips. As there is no evidence that one technique is superior to the other, select the one you like. If you use sponges keep them clean to prevent the growth of bacteria. The movements must be ever lighter skin stretch. The movements should be up following the natural line and circular muscle. If you follow the line of the muscles with gentle movements you'll be rubbing your skin, which is very good for increasing circulation.
3- Whenever you can use water at room temperature. Avoid using hot water because you can break capillaries. The cold water closes the pores and increases circulation but cold water is not recommended because it dries the skin. Avoid extremes.

4 Dry the skin gently with a clean towel, but you're going to apply makeup immediately leaves the skin slightly damp.

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