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Thursday 21 May 2015

10 ways to have perfect hairs

Today, Everyone intend to have perfect hairs. Who can score it? May be all! Is that if we had a magic wand for all women, which would give strong, very bright, dense, silky and healthy.

Brush Your hairs every day
Would you like your hair grow faster? So do it yourself along with a comb/brush and do it every day. A very simple trick, which really does not cost anything to have healthy and beautiful hairs It is recommended to comb and brush at least 3 times a day, and one before going to bed. This stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, allowing the hairs to grow longer and healthier.

Rinse with Cold Water 
Put it in your memory, that the hairs must be rinsed with medium cold water. By this, I do not want to say that you should bathe with cold water, though taking bath with cold water is also good. Hot water "hurt" our scalp, causing hair look dry and dull. Cold water, however, seals the hair cuticle which makes the much brighter and silky hairs that better reflect light. It also accelerates hair growth.

Use conditioner first
Another trick to brighten the hair is to reverse the order in the wash i.e. first use conditioner, and then use shampoo to wash it. This allows more hydration and close hair cuticles. The result is hair more shines and softness. In the final rinse of hairs, put a few drops of lemon, you get an even more noticeable shine.

Do not ause the dryer or flat iron
Constant exposure to heat daily, in the hair scalp makes it look dull and lifeless. So it is important not to become addicted to the dryer. The ideal is dry with cold or warm air and into small sections for a short time, that is to not to point towards the hair dryer without moving. Try using ionic dryers, which are harmless.
The same goes for irons: do not use them every day and try to be not too hot while you apply; it literally burns the hair strands. Ideally, serum or protective hair cream applied before exposure to heat flat iron or curling.

Do not wash your hair every day
The debate about how often you should wash your hair will remain raised forever. However, it's super known, except that you have very oily hair, it is not good to shampoo every day. If you have dry, wash every day increases the dryness, and if you have oily, it will become more dependent on the wash to make it look clean.

Remove knots
What are annoying knots in your hair? A mane full of knots does not look neat and also make it impossible for any hairstyle. A trick to remove hair knots easily is to put a little oil -either olive oil, jojoba oil or coco or Masturd in your hands and dip the knots to completely cover them. Wait 20 minutes and open them with your fingers.

Cut the tips from time to time
Short ends of hair does not make the hair grow faster ... This is a myth! However, we do need to grow healthy hair, and also to make it look nicer and so perhaps, it is prefered to stay with open and split ends. It is the easiest and obvious trick to for healthy hairs.

DO NOT HAIR COLOUR DYES or do use it minimum

Follow a balanced diet
To end this list I include a tip that may have little to do with the beauty treatments we saw here but, without doubt, is as or more important than them. Girls, to have perfect hair, we must start with the basics: eating a healthy diet. We eat lots of vegetables, lots of fruits, fish, nuts, dairy products and drink plenty of water.

A healthy diet provides all the nutrients we need to stay healthy, from head to toe.

Always consult an expert, don't go for the Word of Mouth theory.

What do you think about these 10 tips for perfect hair? Have you any more to share? We want to hear them!

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