Bulbul Stylist On Demand

BulBul is an on-demand, in-home beauty app that sends beautician, hair & makeup artists straight to your home. Getting ready just got a whole lot easier!

Sunday 24 May 2015


The hair is a key element in the looks and appearance of a person. So we must care it and keep it healthy, clean and beautiful. In the books of dermatology and cosmetics, hair is studied as one of the annexes of the skin, along with nails, sebaceous and sweat glands, Hairs are found in the dermis and epidermis, and so with proper care, precautions, health and consulting an expert artist who knows best characteristics of healthy skin.

Hairs Functions
From a functional view, standpoint hair act as natural skin protection against dust and it is also helpful to maintain body temperature. This thermoregulatory function is very evident in the hair-covered animals, while the man has lost it and therefore men started wearing dress. But Hairs on head, sooner became style and fashion mark in many Human race.

Question of balance
As in many things in life, the important thing to keep hair in good conditions is balance. The sebaceous glands are secreting it right: neither too little nor too much. A lack of fat will lead to dry hair and a skin that will require hydration and / or re-oiling continuous, whereas if the fat is excessive hair and skin showed an oily aspect to be removed with shampoos etc. Both dryness and excessive fat can lead to flaking of the scalp or dandruff, and then you need to deal with.

Hair care products
Shampoos often complemented by the use of lotions, ampoules or sprays are applied before or after it. In the fall protection treatments, blisters catch all the attention and shampoo is relegated to the background.
There are also large professional treatment techniques. In the first two hairs a temporary distortion occurs, so you have to put in the hands of a good professional who uses quality products. Prices and guarantees should be evaluated before choosing. There are some apps available that can bring professional experts to your home to bring you finely tuned services.

Bring life to your hairs – they are really important.

Friday 22 May 2015

Face Cleansing - Required for Freshening and Healthy Skin

Face Cleansing

After a hard day, you go to bed without cleansing your face. Think so, one night does not matter. You know well that to bed without cleansing your face is a No, No. You know very well the reasons:
  • Makeup residue
  • Sweat
  • Dust and other contaminants in the environment
  • Natural oils secreted by the skin
  • Dead cells
  • Worth the effort: A night without washing your face is not a big risk, but many nights if you are. It's like not brushing your teeth, if you do not you risk losing them.

How many times a day should I clean my face?
Wipe your face once or twice a day is very important. More than twice is not recommended unless your skin is very oily and live in warm climates. If you clean more than two see the day you run the risk of:
1- If you have dry skin, this is even drier with cleaning products,
2- If you have oily skin and stimulate the glands secrete more oil act, i.e. the skin becomes oilier.
The night cleaning is very important, morning cleaning is desirable to remove the natural oils secreted during the night but if your skin is dry or sensitive can use only water.

Cleansing through Cream or Soap?
Many aestheticians do not believe that soap is appropriate for the face. Most soap is alkaline so they tend to irritate the skin dry. It is especially not recommended for delicate, sensitive, mature or dry skin. Some dermatologists recommend the use of special soaps to treat acne. If you going to use a soap only when it contains moisturizers.
If you feel your skin very dry, try to use a gentle cleansing from an expert (Download App Get the expert right at your home). Similarly, if you feel very oily skin that you are not using the most appropriate products for your skin.

Avoid products that contain:
  • Strong fragrances:  Strong fragrances are usually artificial and unnecessary chemicals they added. In the past they were more common. Natural fragrances from plants can also be used, if they are beneficial. They are usually more subtle aromas.
  • Dyes: They are added to cosmetics to make them look more attractive.
  • Alcohol: Dry skin.
  • Mineral oil: Covers the pores, it is widely used in cosmetics because it is an ingredient in low price. Even the most exclusive brands they use.

How can I wipe my face?
1- First make sure you have clean hands. If hands are dirty you could be spreading bacteria on the face.
2- Now you are ready to wipe your face with your favorite cleanser. Some beauticians use special sponges for this function. Others recommend using the fingertips. As there is no evidence that one technique is superior to the other, select the one you like. If you use sponges keep them clean to prevent the growth of bacteria. The movements must be ever lighter skin stretch. The movements should be up following the natural line and circular muscle. If you follow the line of the muscles with gentle movements you'll be rubbing your skin, which is very good for increasing circulation.
3- Whenever you can use water at room temperature. Avoid using hot water because you can break capillaries. The cold water closes the pores and increases circulation but cold water is not recommended because it dries the skin. Avoid extremes.

4 Dry the skin gently with a clean towel, but you're going to apply makeup immediately leaves the skin slightly damp.

Thursday 21 May 2015

10 ways to have perfect hairs

Today, Everyone intend to have perfect hairs. Who can score it? May be all! Is that if we had a magic wand for all women, which would give strong, very bright, dense, silky and healthy.

Brush Your hairs every day
Would you like your hair grow faster? So do it yourself along with a comb/brush and do it every day. A very simple trick, which really does not cost anything to have healthy and beautiful hairs It is recommended to comb and brush at least 3 times a day, and one before going to bed. This stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, allowing the hairs to grow longer and healthier.

Rinse with Cold Water 
Put it in your memory, that the hairs must be rinsed with medium cold water. By this, I do not want to say that you should bathe with cold water, though taking bath with cold water is also good. Hot water "hurt" our scalp, causing hair look dry and dull. Cold water, however, seals the hair cuticle which makes the much brighter and silky hairs that better reflect light. It also accelerates hair growth.

Use conditioner first
Another trick to brighten the hair is to reverse the order in the wash i.e. first use conditioner, and then use shampoo to wash it. This allows more hydration and close hair cuticles. The result is hair more shines and softness. In the final rinse of hairs, put a few drops of lemon, you get an even more noticeable shine.

Do not ause the dryer or flat iron
Constant exposure to heat daily, in the hair scalp makes it look dull and lifeless. So it is important not to become addicted to the dryer. The ideal is dry with cold or warm air and into small sections for a short time, that is to not to point towards the hair dryer without moving. Try using ionic dryers, which are harmless.
The same goes for irons: do not use them every day and try to be not too hot while you apply; it literally burns the hair strands. Ideally, serum or protective hair cream applied before exposure to heat flat iron or curling.

Do not wash your hair every day
The debate about how often you should wash your hair will remain raised forever. However, it's super known, except that you have very oily hair, it is not good to shampoo every day. If you have dry, wash every day increases the dryness, and if you have oily, it will become more dependent on the wash to make it look clean.

Remove knots
What are annoying knots in your hair? A mane full of knots does not look neat and also make it impossible for any hairstyle. A trick to remove hair knots easily is to put a little oil -either olive oil, jojoba oil or coco or Masturd in your hands and dip the knots to completely cover them. Wait 20 minutes and open them with your fingers.

Cut the tips from time to time
Short ends of hair does not make the hair grow faster ... This is a myth! However, we do need to grow healthy hair, and also to make it look nicer and so perhaps, it is prefered to stay with open and split ends. It is the easiest and obvious trick to for healthy hairs.

DO NOT HAIR COLOUR DYES or do use it minimum

Follow a balanced diet
To end this list I include a tip that may have little to do with the beauty treatments we saw here but, without doubt, is as or more important than them. Girls, to have perfect hair, we must start with the basics: eating a healthy diet. We eat lots of vegetables, lots of fruits, fish, nuts, dairy products and drink plenty of water.

A healthy diet provides all the nutrients we need to stay healthy, from head to toe.

Always consult an expert, don't go for the Word of Mouth theory.

What do you think about these 10 tips for perfect hair? Have you any more to share? We want to hear them!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

THREE REASONS Why Facial is necessary?

Facial cleansing is one of the aspects that must be there in our routine care of our skin. For best results, it is important to identify the product/method that is best suited to your skin type.
If you want to follow up with a beauty treatment, or if you want a healthy skin, it is important always to go an after facial. Daily, we are exposed to the effects of sun, pollution, and makeup itself, snuff, and other elements that punish and dirty our skin. It is therefore a good hygiene should be daily, to remove dirt and debris from the skin, restoring its healthy appearance is necessary.
What product is right for me?

When we clean our skin, usually we opt for soap and water, which is suitable for cleaning the body, but your face, is more delicate. The cleaning for you will depend on your skin type.

  • Oily skin: Displays large open pores, recommended products for cleaning are gels and soaps for the face.
  • Dry skin: This type of skin is tightness, and tends to flaking and wrinkles go well the cleansing milk.
  • Sensitive Skin: It tends to become easily irritated, for cleaning it requires a special product for sensitive skin, in order to avoid altering the hydro lipid skin barrier.

Morning and evening
For proper facial cleansing, it is suggested you do twice a day, morning and evening preferably, and besides, this should be part of a daily routine, regardless of whether wear makeup or not, whether you came or no, it is important to acquire a habit even from youth (adolescence).

Steps of a facial
The first step is to use the product that suits your skin for cleaning, gels, foams, milks, soaps etc.
Then try to use warm water to rinse and dry your face using a towel gently pat, do not rub, to avoid irritating the skin.
Apply a product to close pores and soothe the skin
After the previous product is absorbed, we recommend using a moisturizer with sunscreen for the day, or a night moisturizer. Do not forget the eye area (with a suitable cream) and the neck area.

Peeling skin for a very battered
This is a treatment that involves applying chemicals that eliminate a layer of superficial skin in a controlled manner, to get stimulate cell renewal.
It is usually recommended when there are excess dead cells on the surface of our skin, or when there is any alteration in the structure of the epidermis. The photo aged, hyperpigmentation, rough, dull skin or acne.
The results of peeling are favourable, the skin looks after sound of these procedures, but it is important that you consult a professional to know which type of peel is most appropriate for you, today you can also find options natural "peels".

Try to choose quality products and expert massager.
If you find black and / or pimples, do not try to press them with your fingers, as this may infect the area and also stripping the skin, try to use a product to remove or treat acne, or, consult your dermatologist.

Note that this routine cleaning must be daily and your skin will thank you for the radiant look.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Beauty and Femininity – Both are necessary for Women Empowerment

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, the statement is accurate but it has to be noted equally that Beauty lies inside actually. Femininity inhabits love, care and affection, because of which motherhood, wife-hood and sisterhood like feelings arise. 

For a son, his mother is most powerful and beautiful person. For a father too, his daughter is most beautiful and for whom, he becomes ultimate savior and protector. For a father, his daughter is his most beautiful creation. She is the one who actually makes his daddy the powerful protector, who can fight the evil itself just for her. 

For a son too, his mother’s lap is the safest place. He is fully assured that it is the place, where he would be getting high amount of energy. Of course, she has fed him, her own milk. Through motherhood and daughter-hood, women are empowering closest men.

To empower her family members, she herself should be empowered. Empowerment can only come through, if a woman knows her femininity and inner beauty. Outer beauty actually reflects her inner beauty. So women should look graceful, no matter what is your caste color or creed. If you are happy inside doing what is her interest, will make her heart go gaga. This inner satisfaction will result in 24/7 divine smile on her face. Ultimately, her dress up, makeup, jewelry will definitely add on her grace and confidence.

Her confidence, graceful look and perfect smile empower all the men at home. Whether father /father in law, husband, son or brother. She enchants others and hence becomes goddess of house. She will receive respect and blessings. An empowered woman is like Durga, who is able to tie a strong knot among family members and let evil forces out of the abode. Empowered women always devoid of jealousy because she already must be having everything, as such, there won’t be anything for which she would jealous off. Beauty and Femininity go hand in hand. They are strong weapons for women across Indian households. Hence, Femininity and beauty are ultimate tools for women and are necessary for Women Empowerment.